Welcome to the Pentecostal Church in Trollhättan.
As a church we belong to the national denomination “Pingst” in Sweden, and all our ministries are connected into that fellowship. As a local church we have good relationships and some collaboration with all the different church families in Trollhättan.


We are involved in missions work in different countries around the world. We are supporting pastors and evangelists, building churches and spreading bibles. We are also involved in a lot of relief/aid work in poor countries where people are suffering.

Our mission is directed to Kazakstan, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Tanzania and South Sudan

Sunday Worship Services

Every Sunday we meet for worship service at 11.00 and the service is interpreted to English.One of our ushers will help you with a headset so you can listen. (In the summer, week 26-32, we usually don´t have interpretation at our services.)

The kids, from age 3, are welcome to our Sunday school. We all start together in the service and then we have a “cow” that shows up, and lead the way for the kids up to the foorth floor of the building.


English speaking smallgroup

We have an English-speaking group that meets every other week. Talk, read the bible, pray and of course have some fika together. If you would like to join the English speaking group, please contact church and we will get you in touch with the leaders Prince & Marian Osifo

Language café

Every Thursday 18.30 – 20.00 we have a language café where you are welcome to practice and learn Swedish, whatever knowledge you have in the Swedish language. When we meet, there is people that almost don´t know any Swedish, people that have practised for a while
and people who is born in Sweden and never have spoken any other language. Join the facebook-group for more information, press here, or contact church and we will get you in touch with the leader Juan Martinez.

Contact information to our pastors

Press here or write an email to